10 Things to Help US succeed in Business

Ten things to help you succeed in business
Launching an online business is exciting, and filled with hope, and opportunities, but it does also have a certain amount of unique challenges that go along with it. Here are some things I feel will benefit you and your online business, and come from my personal experience in internet marketing.
1.       Quality content vs. going for simple quantity. Too many people are publishing volume articles of low quality in the hopes that if they saturate the internet with it, they’ll end up with more sales and leads. This can be a great thing for you, because by spending the time to produce high quality pieces both for blog posts, and in the internet marketing products you create you will stand out from the masses who are focusing on just getting something out regardless of what it is.
2.       ABC Always be creating content (Thank you Darren Monroe for one of many great tips!) It’s important to be devoting time each and every day toward furthering your online business, and part of that is the production of content, both free in the form of articles, training video’s, guest posts, etc. as well as in content that you can put towards products you intend to sell, after all if you don’t have anything for sale, then even if you do get thousands of visitors a day, you’ll never truly reach your income potential, and be left wondering just what happened.
3.       Building your network is something you should always be working on, respond to your comments personally, spend some time retweeting those in your Twitter circle, answer the questions that are posed to you in emails. By working on your network of contacts in a personal manner, you’ll be building valuable relationships that will go a long way toward building your business at the same time.

4.       I talk a lot about the importance of setting goals, and making a plan to reach those goals. After all if you don’t know where you are heading, or just how you intend to get there, your chances of ever arriving, are extremely limited to say the least. Make sure you set goals regularly, have a daily “to do” list, also make sure you have monthly, 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month goals, and that they all line up with each other. For example if you’d like to have 10,000 RSS subscribers at the end of the year, make sure you have a plan in place, and are working toward it with your shorter term goals.
5.       Don’t be an island. What I mean by that is don’t try and go it alone, there are so many talented individuals who have already been where you are now, and even more that are heading to the same place you are. Network with them, and share ideas with them, we can all learn from each other, and I guarantee you we have a much greater knowledge collectively than we do individually. Reach out and introduce yourself to types of people, those you can help, and those who can help you.  Don’t be discouraged that not everyone wants to connect, some individuals won’t want your help, and others are only in it for themselves.
6.       Always be educating yourself on the different aspects that are relevant to your online business. There are so many different areas to work on that it is a lifelong process, and if you develop the habit of learning, reading, watching training video’s, etc. on these areas, you’ll find yourself becoming a much better internet marketer because of it. Here are just a handful of areas you could be focusing your online education on:
-          Marketing
-          Internet Marketing
-          Affiliate Marketing
-          Search Engine Optimization
-          Traffic generation techniques
-          Keyword research
-          Analytics
-          Social Media Strategies
-          Writing
-          Copywriting
-          Web design
-          Graphic design
-          List building
-          Relationship building
-          Sales funnels
-          Outsourcing
-          Consulting
There are probably hundreds more that could be added to this list quite easily, but you get the picture. Developing your online education should be something you focus on early, and continue doing for life, it isn’t something you can just blitz through in 12 weeks, and be done with. Our business is constantly changing and evolving, in order to stay on top, we need to evolve with it.
7.       Just like education should be started from the very beginning, and continue throughout your online career, so should your list building efforts. Time and time again, you’ve heard “The money is in the list” yet so many of you haven’t started a list building campaign, and when I ask you about it, the answer is generally that you don’t want to commit to the $20 a month fee that comes with an email solution such as Aweber. Leaving hundreds or thousands of dollars on the table because you aren’t willing to invest the price of a few drinks each month is not a reason, but an excuse. Start building your list now. Here is a coupon so you can get your first month for just a dollar, take advantage of it.
8.       Track your results. You should always be tracking and testing the different campaigns you have running to see where the results are stemming from. If you are driving traffic to an offer from 12 different sources, but 2 or 3 are resulting in 80% of the traffic you should be focusing your time and energy on those few areas. By logging the results you are experiencing from different aspects of your business, you will also have a handy reference guide next time you decide to launch a product, need to set up a new SEO campaign, or perhaps use some similar type keywords that you’ve used in the past.
9.       Focus! This might sound like a lesser important piece of this list, but it is actually one of the most important ones. There is something that is quite real in our line of work, and it is called “information overload”, and it can not only get in your way, but block it entirely if you aren’t careful. Spend the time researching the areas that you feel are important to your business, and then work those aspects until you’ve succeeded with them. Too many people in internet marketing bounce from one idea to the next looking for that get rich quick method that will provide them with an easy living with next to no work involved. Rather than waste your time, listen to my advice, and spend the time doing the work now so that you can enjoy the benefits of a business that is well built and providing you and your family with an income.
10.   Last but not least, don’t give up, don’t ever give up! If something isn’t working, reevaluate, reeducate, and figure out why. Maybe ask someone who has already been there before you for some advice, then choose to listen to it, or seek out more advice, but don’t give up. This business is no harder, nor easier than any other business out there. It is possible as you can see by all the people who have already succeed before you. If they can do it, so can you. Failure is not an option!
If internet marketing is something you are truly passionate about, then the only thing standing between you and success are time, commitment, education, and application. If you believe that you can, then you will, it’s only a matter of time! See you there!
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