Social Cultural understanding from the Experts
The mind is in line with the concept of cultural-determinism developed by Melville J. Herskovtis and Bronislaw Malinowski. More detail is Edward Burnett Tylor opinion about this culture. Burnett explained that culture is a complex whole. Art, morals, customs, laws, knowledge, confidence and the ability or the result of a thought in the form of someone else who earned as members of society, Burnett accepted as meaning or definition of culture.
Burnett mind is a reference sociologists and humanists we like Selo Soemardjan and Soelaiman Soemardi. Both give the definition of that culture is a means of creative works, feeling and intention of a community.
From exposure to experts in the above explanation, we began to receive the formulation of socio-cultural understanding. In the community, social and cultural understanding is abstract, but nevertheless there is in fact as a result of a form of creativity, sense and intention of the community itself.
As a civilized creatures, all copyrights, values, behaviors that support for community life kelangsungsan a tangible culture. In summary - to borrow a phrase JJ Hoenigman - culture form that can be distinguished into three parts, namely activities, ideas and artifacts.
Components of Culture
Trace in his opinion Melville J. Herskovits, there are four basic components of culture that is the economic system, family, political power and technology tools. The definition of technology tools in this regard include any device that supports the activities of a person in a society of even the simplest.
While the elements or components of culture in the opinion of Bronislaw Malinowski slightly different opinion Melville J. Herskovits. Malinowski did not look at the tools of technology as an element or a separate component of culture, but put it into the realm of education providers.
Moreover, Malinowski system components include social norms as a cultural component that is not mentioned by Herkovits.
In more detail, according to Malinowski, who is considered as a component of culture is a system of social norms, economic organization (the same as Herskovits), an organization of political power (equal to Herskovits) and the tools and the education institutions (Herkovits limits on technology tools).
System of social norms in the opinion of Bronislaw Malinowski is an important element of culture as a system component of the social norm that each member of society is most likely to cooperate and conform with the natural surroundings, for the continuity of life.
Thus, social norms are part of the cultural component.