Forms of Social Control in the Community
Here are the forms of social control found in the life:
- Supervision of the individual against another individual. For example; supervision of parents towards their children, to avoid the problem of juvenile delinquency. This oversight can be done by making the rules of the house, looking for information friends and other children.
- Supervision of the individual against another group. For example; surveillance conducted by a psychologist-patient to patient in a rehabilitation center. Or a cleric who was lecturing.
- Supervision of the group to another group. For example the police keep an eye on one of the organizations in the community.
- Supervision of groups on individuals. For example; police watched one of his targets drug smuggling.
Control needs to be applied, so that social life becomes orderly, safe, peaceful, and avoid other forms of social deviation. In its implementation can control by using a variety of ways, among which are:
1. Through both formal and nonformal education
Formal education or school imposed rules that the students obey, and if it does not comply with generally students get a penalty, for example, students who are truant are typically given advance warning, and if there is no change (continue to truant students), parents of students directly in the call. Nonformal education can include activities such as scouts ekstrakulikurer, nature lovers, Paskibra and others.
2. Through the means of rumors
If direct criticism can not solve the problem of social deviation occurs then the means of gossip can be done, for example, to avoid promiscuity in the boarding house's then made rumors about the couple's boarding house that was raided by local RT, immediately married.
3. Sanctions
Sanctions can be positive or negative. A positive thing, for example; a person or group of people who have done good service to be rewarded. Whereas negative sanctions, those who have committed crimes will be sentenced to prison.
To perform control need to know in advance the issue at hand, not to the presence of control would lead to distortion, to understand the values that exist in society.
Communities have different values, may depend on place, race, culture, area. Perform hypothesis and choosing which control the fit and suitable for use, follow the legal path and measure the effects and impacts that will occur, without harming others.