Glance About Tattoo and Culture

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, a tattoo means a picture (painting) in part (member) of the body. Meanwhile, judging from its originality, "tattoo" comes from the Tahitian word (Tatu), which have the meaning signifies something. Tattoo or tattoos (English: tattoo) is a mark made by inserting pigment into the skin. In technical terms, the tattoo is micro pigment implantation. Rajah may be made against the skin of humans or animals. Rajah in humans is a form of body modification, temporary tattoo of animals commonly used as identification.

Tattoo or a tattoo is a practice that is found almost everywhere with a function in accordance with local custom. First tattoo or tattoo worn by the isolated tribes in the region of the world as marking territory, degrees, rank, even signify a person's health. Rajah is widely used by man in Polynesia, the Philippines, Borneo, Africa, North America, South America, Mesoamerica, Europe, Japan, Cambodia, and China. Although in some circles is considered taboo tattoo, tattoo art continues to be something that is popular in the world.

Tattoo - Ancient Tradition
The existence merajah body or tattoo within the cultural world there is already a very long time and can be found in all corners of the world. Historically, it turns out tattoo body has been made since 3000 years BC (before Christ). Tattoo was found for the first time on a mummy found in Egypt. That said, it is considered the forerunner tattoos are then spread, including the Indian tribes in the United States in Asia and Polynesia. Then, spread all the tribes of the world one of the Dayak tribe in Borneo.

Tattoo is made as a symbol or marker, may provide a pride for the owner and a symbol of courage from the owner of the tattoo. From the beginning, the tattoo was made for the purpose. Tattoo believed to be a symbol of good luck, social status, beauty, maturity, and self-esteem.

Creating a Tattoo
There are various ways in making tatoto. Some use animal bone as a needle, as can be found in Eskimos. Dayak tribe of citrus trees with thorns, and some are using copper heat to print images such as dragons in the skin that can be found in China. Actually, the pain must have experienced when making a tattoo, but due to the high value of tattooing and self-esteem is established, then the pain was not considered a problem.

There are various types and various forms of tattoo, depending on what is believed by the tribes concerned, and in each region generally have different perceptions about the tattoo, although in principle similar.

Scare in the Tattoo Symbols
Previously, tatoto has been known as a means of expression rite of communication from one person to another, as is still visible on the interior of the Malays in Borneo. Then, later turned into a tool to scare people, from those who considered criminal. As written Hatib Olong Abdul Kadir in his tattoos.

"So, when the physical body there is a tattoo then it contained a variety of textual meaning, whether it concerns the aesthetic value of courage, expression, and the crime. Therefore, the meaning of body tattooing as an art rather than described, the cause and effect alone, but contains notions of what is behind the text, either express or implied. "

In fact, Julia Conscience Astuti alleges that the tattoo-faced worse because of the gratuitous mention of the community.

"How do I know that someone is a criminal and deserve to be killed? Brita L. Miklouho-Maklai mention that the repeat offenders were mostly identified through a tattoo, and then shot in secret, then his body was placed in a sack and dumped like garbage in any place.

Not all tattooed people are criminals. But, why it happened generalize like that? What about the basic reason? Was there ever a chance first big villain who had tattoos and were then used as features to generalize that all people with tattoos must be criminals too? Unfortunately there is no in-depth studies that can reveal a shift in the meaning of tattoos of decorative carvings to decorate the body and certain symbols to be stamped mark for criminals. "

Unfortunately, the opinion was not justified, because there are times when a tattoo is a symbol of rank in the gangster, as was apparent in some street subculture, from the world of motorcycle riders in the U.S. or the Yakuza in Japan.

Temporary Tattoo
Tattoo is no longer synonymous with bad guys or thugs today. Now, the tattoo was part of the lifestyle. This is evidenced by the number of people who mentattoo bodies, including women.

Lately, temporary tattoo is being loved by many. For those of you who do not like a permanent tattoo, there are other options that could be considered, namely temporary tattoo or a temporary tattoo. These tattoos are temporary and can be deleted or removed at any time.

To make a temporary tattoo, henna ink is used, which is the main ingredient used to make temporary tattoos or mahendi. Ink will be at the pasta in the skin. Then, stains brown, black, and red will be left in the skin and leave the desired pattern.

This type of temporary tattoo motifs are very diverse and are all tailored to the wishes. Meanwhile, for the motive usually refers to art carvings from India. In addition, there are also motifs drawing butterflies, flowers, leaves, or roots (Arabic). Art mahendi sebenrnya is the tradition of Indian society. However, sekaarang been developed and widely used, especially in the wedding ceremony.

In contrast to a permanent tattoo, temporary tattoos do not cause pain in the body because there is no needles that pierce the skin like stitches. In addition, this type of tattoo do not use a special color that is inserted into the skin at the puncture marks.

Was not as complicated as making a permanent tattoo, that is by reprinting sketches of the existing image on a sheet of paper. Subsequently, the mold is placed in certain body parts that will be tattooed. But, previously applied deodorant stick to these body parts. this is to facilitate the early printing ink attached to the skin. After that, the trail re-sketch painted by using a special ink. Ink type used henna and specially ordered from Yogyakarta or Bali. Please note that there is only one color is used to make temporary tattoo, which is black.
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