How To Create a Fictional Orcish Tribe Setting

If you were trying to create a fictional setting in which any place of the novel, or start a RPG game with orcs as the main protagonists, it will be necessary to find a model from their own societies slijediti.Izvrstan source can be a Mongolian tribe from the 13 . century, capricious, violent, and give life at the moment, no real progress of their cultural, animists for the most part, equally likely to attack their neighbors for women as well as livestock. How do you go about creating a realistic setting that could be compulsively compelling in this story?

The first thing to determine is the tribal structure in the most prosperous tribes will be the largest and most powerful, and the weaker tribes would be fractured, marginalized and forced to live with fewer resources. One must immediately begin to ask why more prosperous tribes have been prosperous, as the source of their income, and if they really Orcish and thus give the raiding, tribal violence and how they got to wear this wealth and power.

Mongolian counterparts, such as Kereyid tribe ruled by Ong Khan were great, had a great grazing land on which to breed horses and cattle, and contact with more civilized Chinese empire beyond. Their source of prosperity was, therefore traditional, is derived from farming and trading, allowing them to grow in size and power. So if we say that the range of mountains is the home base of the Orcs, a massive chain, such as the Pyrenees, then the sources of power and prosperity to control the passage of crossing the Pyrenees, and the ability to herd and shops with the nearest human settlements outside of the foot.

so we could pass through the two main mountains, which are suitable for trade, and they can be controlled by the two tribes are the largest, which based in the foothills that lead up to them and allowing them to trade with the herd and people who want to use. These two tribes of the Confederation of tribes and small tribes united under a single Khan, while in the mountains proper will be weaker tribes, forced to live in a more primordial style of hunting and gathering, and raiding their lowland brothers goods.

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