Definition and Causes Unemployment
Unemployment is not an option, but a result of something. Who is it who wants to live to be unemployed. Being unemployed will have an impact and influence not only reflect badly on the person concerned, but widespread systemic impact in society. There are many bad things that can result from the existence of unemployment. The most common crime and crime increased, as a result of the demands of a person to meet the primary needs. People will be willing to rob, steal, pilfer, and so on because the demands have to support his wife and children, while never getting a job.
Types of unemployment there are several types. The definition of unemployment based on the severity of the unemployment rate. Here are some kinds of unemployment are commonly encountered:
- Unemployment. This type of unemployment is unemployment that is clear and look around you. Job seekers who have bothered to look for jobs, but never get. Clearly visible presence around you. Open unemployment is generally filled by those who just graduated completed the study but never get a decent job and fit.
- Unemployment Covert. Have you ever been to an agency or office with the number of workers is too much? Ultimately led to his workers busy telling stories and relax because there is more work to be done. Work should be solved with five to six employees, but that is in the office about ten employees. As a result there are idle.
- Half Unemployment Unemployed. The definition of unemployment for people who work with very few working hours. More time used to idle. Or it could be the person is unemployed because the waiting time the next job, for example, a handyman who had his contract expired, and wait for other contracts.
For-Cause Unemployment
Anyone who would bear the status of unemployment? Being unemployed will lead to a sense of inferiority and shame in a person. Not only he will feel, the family would have to bear the shame if a child or the father became unemployed. In addition definis unemployment, here will put forward several reasons that cause someone to be unemployed, among others;
- The number of jobs is not proportional to the number of workers. Within a year a university will produce thousands of graduates who are ready to compete to find employment. Of the berkualitaslah will win, and the marginalized must be willing to bear the status as unemployed.
- The low quality of the potential and skills a person has. World of work requires not merely a textual value as evidenced by GPA. Moreover, the challenges the world of work requires skill and quality of potential possessed by someone. Skills and soft skills often menjadii important factor that will determine a person's success in the world of work.
- The lack of interest and mindset for entrepreneurship. Homeland education systems generally produce graduates who always aspired to be a worker and do not create jobs themselves. The lack of confidence to do many entrepreneurs hit the college alumni, a result not infrequently scholars who are willing to bear the status of unemployment.