Art Therapy Wellness Solution
What is art therapy?
art therapy, as defined by the American Art Therapy Association is the therapeutic use of art in a professional relationship, by people who had the disease, trauma or challenges that have caused varying degrees of disruption in their lives. Art therapy is helpful for people seeking personal growth through creating art and reflecting on their artwork and the process of making art. Through art therapy increased self-awareness razvija.Samouprave that occurs through the creation of art in art therapy has improved and stabilized, allowing one to deal with challenges, stress and trauma. The learning process is enhanced through the creation of art and enjoy the art of increasing self-awareness, cognitive ability and defines the life-affirming pleasures of making art.
American Art Therapy Association promotes the established standards for art therapy education, ethics and practices. The volunteer committee comprised of members and other experts in the field are actively working on state affairs at the national and state levels, clinical issues and professional razvoj.Udruge commitment to continuing education and research has shown through its annual national conference, publications, our distance learning capacity that is development and national awards recognizing excellence in the field of art therapy.
HOW ART therapy developed
Throughout history, visual expression is used to treat, but art therapy did not emerge as a distinct profession until 1940. In the early 20th century, psychiatrists are becoming interested in art to their patients with mental illness created. Teachers are discovering that children's art expressions reflected developmental, emotional and cognitive growth. The work of many contemporary artists of that time used a primitive and child like style to express a psychological perspective and mood (Dubuffet, Picasso, Miro and Braque, for example .)
By mid-century, hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centers increasingly began to include art therapy programs along with more traditional verbal therapy techniques, recognizing that the process of creating art enhanced recovery, health and wellness. As a result, the profession of art therapy grew into an effective and important means of communication, assessment, and treatment of children and adults in different settings. Today, interest in art therapy, given the importance of health care institutions across the United States and within psychiatry, psychology, counseling, education and the arts.
what art therapist?
art therapists, as defined by the American Art Therapy Association are masters level professionals who have a degree in art therapy or related fields. Educational requirements include: theories of art therapy, counseling and psychotherapy, ethics and standards of practice, assessment and evaluation, individual, group and family techniques, human and creative development, multicultural issues, research methods and practicum experiences in clinical, community, and / or other settings. Art therapists are skilled in the application of various art modalities (drawing, painting, sculpture and other media) for assessment and treatment.
Art therapists are professionals trained in both art and therapy. They are knowledgeable about human development, psychological theory, clinical practice, spiritual, multicultural and artistic traditions and the healing potential of art. They use art in treatment, assessment and research, and provide related consulting professionals. Art therapists work with people of all ages: individuals, couples, families, groups and communities. They provide services, individually and as part of clinical teams, in settings that include mental health, rehabilitation, medical and forensic institutions, community outreach programs, wellness centers, schools, nursing homes, corporate structure. Open studio and independent practice
Art therapists require a license to practice art therapy. Art therapy licensing varies from state to state.
Who benefits from art therapy?
art therapy addresses a part of the brain that is often functional, when other parts are dysfunctional or not working well.
Many people can benefit from art therapy, including the hospitalized children, youths, adults and seniors. In addition, art therapy is used mentally ill. In many cases, those with depression, fear and anxiety caused by injury or developmental challenges have difficulty expressing their deep feelings. Creating art is often enables them to begin to be released from its own dysfunction.
the elderly, especially Alzheimer's disease, suffer from various degrees of memory loss, dysfunction of the time and space to do to aging can respond to drawing, painting and design and begin to take control and restore some of those lost opportunities.
Studies have shown that art therapy with the elderly to encourage memory and brain function - creative movement has reduced the risk of falls and accidents and promotes balance and pokret.Muzej Modern Art in New York has a program called "Meet the Moma ". Tuesdays when the museum is usually closed, a group of Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers galerije.Poticanje tour to see and discuss art enriches life and encourages them mentally. Since the inception of this program, many patients are exposed to significant improvement in memory, cognitive awareness and expression.
Art therapy helps inmates address their angers, fears and resentments. Through creation, they begin to see themselves and understand what motivated them to commit a crime. The art of giving a lot of chances to develop skills that can enrich not only their lives but the lives of others.
art and creative process that brings balance, self-esteem and enjoyment for anyone who has caused mental or physical disabilities. Through the creative process, deep feelings occur in gentle, nurturing atmosphere. People are enabled to meet their worst fears, anxieties and challenges of this artwork that expresses the challenge. Once identified, view and discussed, often overwhelming the ratio is reduced. In the group, participants realize that others have fears and concerns and, just like them. Eating disorders can be resolved and in some cases, cure creativity, because the root cause of the disorder is often hidden and out through the work of art.
HOW ART therapy works
art therapy, active in a professional environment, creating a sense of self, what is often lost in the elderly, Alzheimer's patients or those with mental illness. Sensory stimulation through the art of making a meet where there is a lack of feelings about themselves and sensory stimulation. It has been proven through the use of any and all uses of art materials and skills, including painting, drawing, watercolor, collage or sculpture.
For example, a collage creates a sense of putting things back together and connectivity. Create a collage dealing splicing recognizable images that resonate with the experiences of individuals and can bridge the communication gap between anxiety or fear a person feels and the outside world. Making art externalizes and through conversation with Art therapist who can interpret what a work of art speaks in relation to the patient's behavior and challenges, the patient can begin to identify what hinders their thinking and balanced growth.
as evidenced by the meeting of the Moma, Alzheimer's disease affects the part of the brain that makes sjećanja.Parijetalni lobe is stimulated by art. When a patient looks a picture, image encourages dialogue with the viewer. Questions and interpretations of the visual response to develop. Those who can not remember their names or the names of their loved ones, often talk about what they see in the picture and be clear about their interpretation of the image. Often memories are stimulated, and forgotten things come into dialogue.
When you are in art therapy, provide color, pencil, clay and collage materials, here and now, active stimulation begins. Work with their hands, and stimulates the imagination, it was recently discovered that the imagination will be there when the rest of the dysfunctional brain through a progressive disease like Alzheimer's.
There is an important need to thoughts and feelings in some way, especially in young people, adults and seniors. It has been shown that very young children who have not yet learned how to express themselves verbally, to grab a crayon and start drawing, of course. The elderly are a challenge, because the loss of expression, but I can find that balance and enhance the painting or drawing.
art therapy shows that creativity is the core of a deep need in us all and create images that will help one to remember, remember the past that was forgotten.
There is another value of art therapy as well. Institutionalized persons, those in prisons, nursing homes and hospitals often feel they are just a number, or file. Art therapy restores them their individuality. These people are given back a sense of control over their lives that they had to give up to go to the institutional environment.
A in the hospital setting, especially for people with cancer diagnosis - it is often very difficult to talk about it. Art gives them the opportunity to express the way you feel, come to control and synchronize with your feelings and give them, through art therapist, a look at their lives.
ART THERAPY IN Global scale
in Saudi Arabia, psychological counseling and religious programs for the militants has been developed includes art therapy for prison Jihadists. This successful rehabilitation program came into work today as a result of the Saudi commitment to reduce domestic production of Jihadists.
International Medical Corp provides clinical support for people on the front lines of disaster uses art therapy and rehabilitation for victims of war, famine, political unrest and natural disasters.
National Geographic Society has supplied cameras to the people in Uganda to take his life and work through grief and loss they experienced during the war. Finally, it reveals that no one is safe from the anxieties, challenges and awesome actors everyday life. And, as we began to realize that physical health and mental health are often integrated and dependent on each other, the role of art therapists is becoming increasingly important in dealing with our well-being of developing and maintaining our overall well-being.