Humor Article: How To Learn A Foreign Language in 24 Hours

Many people claim that they have always wanted to learn a foreign language. It may have taken classes in high school and want to pick up where they left off. Or maybe they bought some CDs for listening in the car. Here is the way to becoming fully fluent in a foreign language in 24 hours.

1 Most people learn their language as a child and a young child. In those days all they heard was "get down from there", "get that out of my mouth," "Papa Do not put that ear while he sleeps," and so on. Your first task is to hire a native speaker of the language you want to learn.

2 Tell the native speaker to follow you around all day and yell at you like you would a child, but always in the native language.

3 Your brain will come back when you were years ago.

4 Within hours you will be able to say words in their native language, but as a small child (or a big baby). For example, it may indicate a cat and say "dog". It is expected in this type of training.

5.Deranja should continue through the day. Within 24 hours you will begin to form complete sentences in your new language like "I woopsie" and "I set the cat on fire ."

By the end of the week should speak at the 7th grade level in their new language. It is two levels higher than most people speak in their native English.

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