Cultural Assimilation
When new people join companies and nonprofit groups is a natural tendency for them and try to change the culture to suit their work habits, attitudes and practices. Such changes are sometimes greeted by culture, but more often than not, she steadfastly resisted, a person is dismissed. Those people who believe culture should adapt to them, as opposed to vice versa, in for a rude awakening.
Every time you join an organization, you must remember, they've joined, it is not they joined. You would be wise, therefore, to tread lightly until you truly understand the culture and can work in it. To any employee or member to be successful, they must believe and have the ability to adapt to corporate culture.
Over the years I have been involved in a variety of nonprofit groups and observed the initial reaction of the new members to the group. Some can adapt and become a member of the group, others tend to butt heads, become frustrated and quit. As a new member, there is a natural tendency to question policies and procedures in order to better understand the dynamics of the group. I think it's healthy. As an aside, I am mystified when people join a group of blind and do not ask any questions whatsoever. However, before offering suggestions for changing the group, make sure you understand how the group is organized, its history, duties and responsibilities of civil servants and politics involved. With rare exceptions, nonprofit groups can be as political as well as commercial enterprises, and maybe more.
People who offer without first studying the changes in corporate culture are usually surprised when the officers, elders, or whose membership has rejected his ideas. As a result, they feel rejected and move along to the next group which will inevitably run into the same scenario again. Remember that, no matter how logical your arguments in favor of change, it is an emotional decision as well as people perceive it as a change in the status quo. If you are a dictator, people are reluctant to accept change, but most non-profit organizations include a group of officers and men who understand only the status quo and, as such, strongly defend it. Their mantra is always: "That's the way we always have done ."
So, what is the best way to implement change in such groups? First, to assimilate the culture and take note of what is right and wrong with him. Second, get into a position of authority as an officer in which you can set up your visibility and credibility. Third, to introduce changes in small increments. If you are successful, the group will begin to trust your court thus paving the way for the implementation of bolder changes later. Just remember, "You eat elephants one spoonful at a time." (Bryce's Law) If you come on too strong, too bold, too, will undoubtedly be too disappointed and too disappointed.
Do not despair if things do not go his way. You will inevitably meet with setbacks. It is only natural. You can decide to withdraw from the group or lick your wounds and move forward. Either way, do not take it personally, you are fighting the culture, not an individual
.Keep the Faith!