Economic Social and Cultural Rights Compared With Civil and Political Rights
One of the extreme prejudice considers that these rights are superior to the civil and political rights in the appropriate value hierarchy and chronological terms. What use is freedom of speech for those who are hungry and illiterate? At the other extreme we find the view that economic and social rights are not to make the law as properly understood at all. Treated as a law impairs the enjoyment of individual freedom, distorts the functioning of free markets justify major government intervention in the economy, and provides an excuse to downgrade the importance of civil and political rights. Although variations on these extremes dominated the diplomatic and academic discourse, the vast majority of the government to take some kind of middle position.
for most of the positions included support for the importance of economic and social rights in March of 2000 142 states are parties to the International Convention on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, as compared with 144 participants in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, together with failure to make steps to strengthen the rights of the Constitution, adopt legislative or administrative provisions on the basis of explicitly recognizing the special economic and social rights as human rights, or to provide an effective means of compensation to individuals or groups listed violations. Indeed, one of the puzzles in the field lies in the rare invocation of the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights in the game of internal politics or the judiciary in most countries, compared with often an indicator of civil and political rights provisions in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and political Rights, such as the European Convention on Human rights.