Social Networking - Is This All There Is? Part 1 - Gaps in the Market
Social Networking presents two paradoxes that should cause us to question where he was going and why there are so many potential markets that just will not be used at this time.
It's gone from the beginning to the ubiquity of only a specific audience, most notably peer-to-peer, and only some - not all - Business-to-consumer (retail) business. Social Media is currently completely bypasses the many types of retail business, most business-to-business interaction, business community and most of them "would not". I see it right through my client-base -. From large financial services companies for a successful mid-sized companies to small mom and pop stores
The second paradox is that a coincidence, that was coordinated by the UN, the fragmentary nature of the different tools and media out there so much noise generated by the brain, you can understand the reluctance of retail players, business-to-business companies, internal business executives who have not jumped into the embrace of the media - the fear of sacrificing money, productivity and complete confidentiality in a million aimless conversation, or a dead end tomorrow. Why struggle to get people's attention in the middle of the flea market, you have established a network whose recommendations and support can be affected by telephone calls, meals, business or trade event, or by appointment?
I am not a long term social media skeptic, but I have a short term one. What I see at this moment is the last pain "Social Media 1.0" - the equivalent of the PC market when they are only considered useful for gaming: the equivalent of the market, indeed, that one can see the tablets and mobile devices, where the heuristics are the most important beneficiaries of the consumption and promotion, very little about the collaboration, task management, data management, people management and monitoring, review and approval, etc.
Social Media Potential in terms of cooperation and transaction handling, production and management, operations and maintenance (only some of the communication capabilities of the company will throw at him) is still in its infancy. However, these opportunities can only be affected if one understands the characteristics of real-world networking tools that currently do not provide - and demonstrate the company's enormous potential leverage to be able to get through these media. It will have to be changed on both sides. For now, if this is how social media is set to be, and then as a senior business executive in any industry, except the media, Entertainment, Vanity, or a consumer, I'd have to ask "is that the best we got?"
Social Media Potential in terms of cooperation and transaction handling, production and management, operations and maintenance (only some of the communication capabilities of the company will throw at him) is still in its infancy. However, these opportunities can only be affected if one understands the characteristics of real-world networking tools that currently do not provide - and demonstrate the company's enormous potential leverage to be able to get through these media. It will have to be changed on both sides. For now, if this is how social media is set to be, and then as a senior business executive in any industry, except the media, Entertainment, Vanity, or a consumer, I'd have to ask "is that the best we got?"
Obviously, I will achieve it all in one article, so I see this as the beginning of the trip can be found only on
Why do we have this paradox of power (great tool, almost ubiquitous personal use, almost non-existent corporate use );
What is it about digital social networking of such gravity that provides for individual communication and experience exchange in such a large number of people in such huge quantities,
What is it about the real world collaboration tasks that Social Media is not supported? (ie would it be great if you could make tools ...);
What possible use-cases, Social Media results for the business?
To the network of digital?
What kind of modus operandi are likely to be adopted?
I hope that this will be of interest to individuals, businesses, marketers, social media and the like.