Getting more interest Aceh
Because the air temperature in this region ranges between 12 - 230C, then in this area grow a wide range of plantation crops such as tobacco, coffee and vegetables. Enough sunlight, also strongly supports the growth of this plant.
This tribe is spread almost all over the region of Aceh, such as the area of the city of Sabang, Aceh Besar, Kota Banda Aceh, Langsa, East Aceh, West Aceh, South Aceh, Aceh Jaya, Nagan Raya District and several other surrounding counties .
In the region there are a variety of tribes, the Tribe Kluet, Tamiang Tribe, Tribe Gayo, Alas Tribe, Tribe Haloban, Tribe Julu, Devayan Tribes, Tribes and tribal Aneuk Sigulai. Here is some information about the tribe - the tribe in Aceh:
- Kluet tribe spread across most of South Aceh district, which is divided into districts Kluet North, East, South and West.
- Tamiang tribe, the tribe has a distinctive language Tamiang, which is similar bleak Malay language, is particularly scattered tribes in the district of Aceh Tamiang, East Aceh District and City of Langsa.
- Gayo tribe, has a distinctive Gayo language, these tribes spread in the district of Gayo Lues, Bener District Takengon and Red.
- Alas Interest Interest is the language of the inhabitants of Southeast Aceh Regency Alas.
- Haloban tribe, this tribe occupied the islands, the islands have a district named Singkil District.
- Julu tribe, the tribe is still included in the pack pack boang tribe and this tribe came from North Sumatra. This tribe is actually a native of the mainland and Subulussalam Singkil.
- Devayan tribe, tribes who inhabited Palau Simeulue, where the island is divided into 5 districts namely Teupah Western District, South Teupah, Salang, Simeulue Simeulue and the Middle East.
- Singulai tribe, inhabitants occupy West Simeulue District, District Alafan, partly Salang District, District in the Gulf, and Middle District of Simeulue.
- Interest Aneuk or more details Aneuk Jamee, have the language sehar day Aneuk Jamee similar language as Minang language when heard. Population of this tribe occupies the territory of South Aceh district, which is in District Labuhan Haji, District Tapaktuan Samadua District, District of North Kluet, and parts of the Southwest Aceh district includes Kacamatan Susoh and Manggeng, and several more are in the area of West Aceh District, covering subdistrict Meureubo and partly in the district of Singkil, Simeulue District and Subulussalam.
Know the Aceh Cultural Arts
Culture is also very tightly attached to the people there. Every day, they always use language that is typical of the Acehnese language, with pronunciation of a distinctive style.
The related art is the most typical and Same Dabol Gayo. Both have in common is played by several people. The difference is, for Dabol led by someone who called the caliph and the accompaniment of drum rhythms, while Same Gayo usually played by men - men and tend to smell the arts, such as dance and voice.
Knowledge they have comes from parents customary, traditional healers and keujuren, knowledge about animals, plants, human body parts, natural phenomena and of time. Most of its inhabitants converted to Islam, so do not believe in the existence of the gods.